e2:removed link, bugs...
1. Install preware/quickinstall
2. Install Lighty Web Server. Make sure it works by going to the http://localhost on the touchpad if its a blank screen, restart.
3. Download skindle.zip from above. Extract it onto so it looks like /media/internal/skindle aka drive://skindle
4. Copy the mobi files you want to "/skindle/ready"
5 Get a terminal by quickinstall, ssh, or xterm/xserv.
6. Run this exact command
/media/internal/skindle/bin/python /media/internal/skindle/term.py
7. After it does its thing, go to the http://localhost on the browser. If you cant get the webserver to work, copy skindle/ready/readinglist.html to a computer to view.
8. A list should appear of the free books to download. Download them now
9. Everything "Should" have worked! (but it probably didn't)
10. As long as you have a terminal up, you can run these two commands to remove the sample overlay
rm /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.kindle/images/item-sample-banner.png
rm /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.kindle/images/item-sample-banner-small.png
Thanks to
DCPeterson2000 on precentral.net for the free preview thing
joesacher.com for the original idea
twitter@thp4 for the python binary
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